Thursday, August 10, 2006


today was a scheduled screw off day and I figured what the hell we got a full tank of gas in the K-car lets roll around and kill time, so I grabbed the digital camera, a 1gb memory card and my phone ..... all is going well and we stop home and rob and cherie stop by with their new pile of rolling scrap metal called a trailer J/K! I wish I would come across a deal like that....... after that me and jeremy decide to go to walmart, on glendale instead of the superwally-world I figure why not hit the one on glendale because it has more sporting goods compared to the others.... I find out that this is a big mistake, we decide to lock the doors and roll up the windows just incase....... doing that didnt do shit, someone took a pry bar to the door to get my camera that was pretty well hidden in the door pocket and they took my cell out of the glovebox... I am not too angry about the camera because I paid about $100 for it on black friday 2 years ago, what I AM pissed about is the fact that I bought a 1GB flash memory card and rechargable NMH batteries no more then 3 days ago so that my mom could shutterbug all she wanted without a problem, oh well time to buy a new camera, i think i will finally get a Cannon EOS Digital Rebel like I have been debating over for the last month or so, afterall it is only money

I figure I will post a pic of my soon to be mine ride, it is a Shelby Z Dodge Daytona, I have to go to the chicagoland area to get it

I am getting a awesome deal on this, Jeremy thinks i am going to have fun with it for a few days and then sell it..... most likely not..... it isint every day you get a $5000 car for $500 because someone fucked up :-D



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