another TPD visit
Brian from across the street stopped by about an hour ago to borrow my paint spraygun beause his was messed up, noting new... we borrow tools from each other and help each other with projects and assorted shit like that, anyways we get talking about paint and how the EPA is trying to ban Base/Clear paint spraying in the private sector and only allow single stage paint when we decide to go in the backyard and look at the botched clearcoat on the aqua-hog.... so I flipped on the floodlights in the back yard and got deeper into the conversation on paint, about 15 minutes pass by and we decide to head over to his house and set the gun up to spray. I let the dog back in and walk across the road, as I am walking a TPD cruizer glides down Nela Pky at about 10mph,... nothing new they usually drive by once in the evening and 99% of the tim it is my buddy Jim who is patrolling our sector, tonite it was him as usual but it turned out that Steve had called them on me and brian for talking loudly and painting a boat at midnight, Jim just laughed and asked that I turn off the floodlghts to help keep the vein on steves forehead from exploding. Jim chuckled about this call as he usually does, the last time he was called out I was "Shooting off fireworks at Steves house"... yea,... um.... NO I was using a cutting torch to trim Brians bumper down to size. Apparently steve dosent know that you need a airline to run a spray gun and that welding isint shooting fireworks, oh well it is good for a laugh
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