Sunday, April 23, 2006

time flies when you are not having fun

the rise and fall

good god this past month has flown by, I dont know where to start but I will give a summary for those that give a shit...... first off is that the aqua-hog project was abandoned due to serious stringer rot, hay I didnt expect much for $25.... it is going in the blade on monday and I figure I can get $250 for the trailer....... the hauling business and the landscaping business are picking up and I am planning to start mowing full time on monday... Jeremys usual bullshit sphiel got us kicked out of our store location on the 14th AND Outback Storage on the 10th of this the same month (and got on my last nerve) so I basically said fuck-it and shut her down... it was a big disapointment to our only employee who had just quit his other job earlier this month to go full time working for us... so last weekend we had a huge sale... and I mean huge sale, we did just a little bit over $1100 in 2 days, it was barely enough money to pay for 3- 10x30 storage units for 2 months, get the phones paid up and pay off some other storage bills...... ohwell all I can say is that it was a horrable success and it opened many peoples eyes up to the fact that some people have what it takes to make a business work and some people are totally irrisponsable and make bad business decisions... in the end I am getting the short end of the stick from the shut down... I am left with a $687 electric bill and a $435 gas bill that totals $1120 and all jeremy was worried about was his $500 that he had invested in the deposit. I am 95% sure that it would have been a success if jeremy was not trying to run it "his way" and everybody else seems to think the same way Corey had voiced some concerns back in december but I was inundated with plowing and paperwork for making this business legit..... Jeremy kept dragging his feet so I said fuck it and registered the businesses & got my tax id's and registered the names Affordable Appliances Plus and Affordable Appliances & Repair under the NCLS Corperation I figure what the hell atleast if me and jeremy go seperate ways I still own the business names and I will be able to rebuild it the way I had wanted to in the beginning, atleast it would work.... I mean it started out like a fricking DREAM... it was TOO PERFECT, here is some pics:

everything was honky-dorey and nice and well kept until jeremy got evicted from his trailer and decided he would move into the shop so he did and things went downhill from there, the arguements increased, more money was disapearing but that is for a later time

this is what the shop looked like as of a month ago,

shit everywhere, parts everywhere, carpet tore up, just a damn disaster zone... Corey and I couldnt keep up with it, I couldnt stand to deal with it so I did something that I dont normally do and I just gave up on it and watched as it slid into a big black abyss of chaos and stood on the sidelines saying to myself "I told ya so dumbass" in my head over and over... I dont think I would have thrown in the towel normally but I have been quite depressed for a while now, we had a horrable winter, we got 3 storms that were worth a shit and my seasonal totals were 26" of snow = $2780 in billing and cost this year with a new plow was just shy of $4k) but I am pulling out of the funk now that spring is here and I am cutting grass and I cant wait to rip it up monday... I have a brand new trimmer, a new edger, and a new backpack blower to start the season off with a bang, wish me luck
