being sick sucks - update to the weekend
enough of that ....on sundayI went to the good old GM park & shine and killed a few sets of batteries in my new kodak Z-650 digi cam and had a good time with jeremy and trish and the kids, monday was a blur do to being in bed til about 3 in the afternoon after a night from hell with some of the most relentless heartburn I ever have had, yesterday was good with an exception of the rain but it pissed me off that I had to empty our new garbage cans into the back of the city garbage truck myself or tey wuldnt take them because they are 39 gallons instead of 34 which is the largest can allowed, I think that having to buy more new 34 gallon cans is bullshit, I mean think about it, I can put 50 55 gallon garbage bags out at the roa and the city will take every single one, and as a matter of fact I have before IE: after our basement floded like earlier this year I got some friends together and we hauled out 48 garbage bags, 2 sets of bedding, a sofa sleeper set and a few chairs... atleast they took it all........ so in all reality what difference does 5 gallons make?
today I got a new toy, the neighbor across the road was hurting for cash so I bought back the air compressor I built for him last winter, I figured what the hell I need a new one sence I blew up my little one working on Roberto's trailer last month and the fact that he sold it to me for $50 Josh is a cool guy but drugs are screwing up his life so I try not to associate with him too much, I just keep an eye out for strange things is all, hence why I have a video survalence camera pointed at his house all the time and a few others around the yard.... some people never notice how observant I am until I tell them something that they themselve didnt even know, well tomorrow s another day and hopefully everything will go according to plan and I can make it to michigan to sell some cisco network switches I have laying around
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