Friday, February 09, 2007

this cold snap blows........NOT!!

I absolutely wont bitch about it.... firewood sales are starting back up, there is 10" of ice in maumee bay so I can go ice fishing, it is too cold for the scrappers to venture out so scrap metal has shot up about $50 a ton due to the lack of a supply

here are some pics of my $300 truck making that $300 back in 1 load

here is the next project I am going to tackle...hopefully this weekend... 120 gallon Atlas compressor and I am using a 2 cylinder Quincy air pump from a GE "Dash 9" locomotive and hopefully the 5hp motor that is on the compressor that I built for Rob... using the 5hp motor I think I will have less then $100 in this compresosr and it will be big enough to handle sandblasting snow plow blades :P

I found a 3hp motor out at Tom Andersons place that he is going to sell me for $50.... cheaper to run for sure and is more then enough to drive that single cylinder pump that is on there the big grey box on it holds the "magnetic starter" that I built... that was a fun project but hey it works

nite all I got alot of splitting to do tomorrow for this weekends orders


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