Toledo proposal targets cars in backyards
Leaving cars parked in yards in Toledo could put their owners at risk of seeing their vehicles driven away behind a tow truck, under a proposed ordinance reviewed yesterday by a Toledo City Council committee.
why dont they take care of some of the existing problems in the neighborhoods before they go giving these people badges to do whatever the fuck they want to do!!!!???!?!
why not go after the house 5 down from mine that has had a van in the driveway for 4 months WITH NO LICENSE PLATE or down one more block to a guy that runs a lawn business from his house and jeeps his trailer on the grass in his front yard...... oh wait BOTH OF THESE PEOPLE ARE AFRICAN AMERICAN so they get special rights to do whatever the hell they want to do while the city drives by atleast once a day and takes a picture of my house and complains that I dont have lids on my garbage cans BECAUSE THE MORON GARBAGE MEN THREW THE FRICKING LIDS AWAY 2 MONTHS AGO (HERES YOUR SIGN) or they complain that one section of fence is a shade lighter then the other... WHO CARES!! about 2 years ago I was ready to paint each picket a different color of flouresent paint to be an ass and I still might and then paint a big 3' high "JESUS LOVES YOU" on the fence and paint a wall mart smilie on there too. good night!