Friday, December 22, 2006

running around like a checken with its head cut off

well the title describes it best, this evening I went up to gibralter trade center to pick up a external hard drive enclosure so I can start using the 160gb sata drive I have had in the computer as a backup but after looking at the contents I found something that I thought I had erased and that was the video footage from July 3rd. I have had 4 cameras in various places sence last year and one shoots down the driveway from the coupola on the garage, 2 wireless ones are in the large maple tree in the front yard and one in the backyard...bah I am not going to get into that... it is best left in the past.... or until I file suit in late January..

I am still not decorating for christmas - to hell with it
I am still waiting for snow - but I stopped holding my breath
I am still hauling firewood - but I doubt it will last much longer unless it gets colder

oh well


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