Demo-Derby Nate Style
it just amazes me at the way today went from pure awesome to shit in 50'
well I will start off with the positive side of things.... someone called on my ad I have for the hauling of appliances and scrap metal and said that their church had a verry large commercial freezer unit that they wanted hauled away... no problem.... me and Jeremy go and look the unit over and while wandering the halls we hear the musicians practicing in the sancturary so I go in and have a seat and listen to the 3 girls playing flutes.... I absolutely love the sound of music on a flute so I killed 5 minutes or so listening.... anyways we get this 1800# unit loaded in the back of my F-350 and get all the parts and stuff loaded aswell and the church cordnator lady comes and thanks us and ofcourse doe's the invite to the church so we exchange cards (they are looking for a landscaper/plower) and as we are getting ready to head out I had the lady a nice donation for the metal( all stainless @ $1.50 a pound)..... now to the gritty... after stopping and saying hi to a friend I take Jeremy home and on the way back while I was coming up on byrne ave I am watchig cars turn infront of me but it was 150-200 yards ahead so no big deal...... well I had a green light and then this little car darts infront of me with a red F-150 behind him, I miss the car but unfortunantly I take out the F-150 at about 50 mph.... even though I saw what was happening and tried to avoid it there was just no way to not hit someone, to the right was a car with people in it and to the left was another car full of people and stopped dead ahead of me was the red pickup so my 10,834# truck tore the hell out of that truck spinning him into a 2005 dodge caravan... if anyone has taken physics they know that a moving mass of 10,000# hitting a moveable mass of 4000# does not necessisarly mean that the 10,000# object looses all of it's momentum therefore my truck decided to sacrifice the rest of it's front clip on a telephone pole because the steering linkage broke... or the clifnotes version is me and mapledog went for a cedar point ride, now I have no truck, I am going to get a nice check sans state farm, and I am going to be sore as hell tomorrow.
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