well I donned a respirator saturday evening and went to town in the basement... last spring the sump pump took a shit and the basement ended up with about 2 inches of water in the laundry area and it was never truely cleaned the way it should have been and of course stuff piled up down there because... well it is a basement... the perfect place to stuff shit that you dont have space for, lol
I was mostly bored saturday evening and said f-it, I dove in head first to a pizza and then did 11 loads of laundry & baged 7-55 gallon sacks of trash, Next Stop.... the most anti-union place out there; Wal-Mart, ended up getting 2 cases of purox laundry detergent(they had the dye and scent free 36 load bottles 5 for $10) and 3 cases of contractor cleanup bags, they are the same ones that we use for the hauling business and they work well and hold alot and are about as thick as a plastic tarp
tonite me and Jeremy did 8 more loads of laundry and took out 15 of those jumbo bags packed full of shit(there is still 10-15 full sacks down there plus a couch and maybe a dozen boxes to take out to the ever increasing pile along the road.
(and Rob, dont look in the mirror and smile and think that you got me to do this because you didnt, jeremy and I have had this planned sence the first of the year but we have had no free time to do it)